didn’t. And that’s not all I’ve recently discovered about Ellis County. I just successfully completed a judicial campaign to become your new Ellis County Court at Law #3 Judge. The campaign had me traveling to every corner of our -very big- county to meet the people. It has been enlightening.
We did not know a single soul in Waxahachie when we first arrived here in 1999. All we had was the belief and hope that this would be the ideal place to raise our children. More than two decades later, I had come to feel very much at home here. That’s one of the things I like best about Waxahachie. If you want to become part of the community, then all you need to do is step up and lend a helping hand. I did and we were welcomed with open arms. I won’t bore you with a listing of all my community involvement. Let’s just say it has been extensive and included a tour of duty on the Waxahachie City Council, a stint as the Waxahachie Municipal Court Judge, and a term as the Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board. We’ve grown to adore Waxahachie and are very pleased we decided to call this home.
“In hindsight, however, our involvement has been very heavily “Hachie-centric.” Fortunately, my campaign travels have led me to discover the glaringly obvious: There is more to Ellis County than just Waxahachie. Much more.”
’m sorry, but before my campaign, I simply had no real reason to travel all over Ellis County. Sadly, I couldn’t have told you the difference between an FM 876 or an FM 877. I can now and am better off for it.
More epiphanies: Did you know that every city in Ellis County has their own city council, their own school board, and their own volunteer/non-profit organizations? And that they are each made up of citizens that love their community just as much as we do here in Waxahachie?
One event that I attended early on was the Central High and Bardwell Volunteer Fire Department Annual Fundraiser at the K.C. Hall in Ennis. The place was packed, and the people gave amply. I witnessed homemade cakes being auctioned off for many hundreds of dollars.
“It was at that moment that I first realized just how amazing Ellis is. The people here truly care for one another.”
I’ve had similar inspiring experiences all over our County – again and again. One evening at a Midlothian Chamber event I heard the most eloquent invocation followed by a standing ovation for the firefighters and law enforcement officers in attendance. They were also given the distinct honor of hitting the buffet line first. It’s the little things.
I knocked on doors in Milford and was greeted with warm hospitality. Apparently, candidates don’t tend to visit them very often and they appreciate it when their votes are also treated with respect. I now know where the old feed store is in Avalon. I’ve discovered how heavenly it is to drive on our backroads at sunset. Spring green rolling hills with massive round hay bales can be just as beautiful as the finest Caribbean beach. Horses like to say hello too. I even had the opportunity to see a nanny goat and her newborns, just minutes after delivery. Quite a miraculous sight for this city slicker.
“We received this same outpouring of heartfelt generosity from people supporting our campaign. So many people, often whom we had never met before, offered their prayers and showered us with positive words of encouragement.”
They knocked doors, put out signs, and handed out our brochures. My wife, Lisa, humbled by the many unsolicited acts of kindness, continually asked me: “How are we ever going to repay all these people?” I would simply reply, “I don’t know honey. I don’t know.”
We are so blessed to live in the best county, in the best state, in the best country this world has ever known. I understand this fact now more than ever. I am a proud Ellis County citizen and I will carry all these unique experiences with me back into the courtroom. Although we could never fully repay all the love we received along the way, I will attempt to maintain your continued trust the only way I can think of: By paying it forward.