Ennis Regional Medical Center Now Offers Advanced 3D Mammography Digital Imaging by Ennis Regional Medical Center

Ennis Regional Medical Center  Now Offers Advanced 3D Mammography Digital Imaging New imaging system provides more accurate screening and more comfortable experience with low-dose radiation exposure Ennis Regional Medical Center now offers 3D mammography, the best technology for early detection of breast cancer, which is critical to more effective treatment. The hospital’s new GE Senographe…


NON-SURGICAL SPORTS CARE IN MIDLOTHIAN Baylor Scott & White Sports Medicine and OrthopedicInstitute offers full-service non-operative sports medicine.Our fellowship-trained physician, Christopher Trinh, DO,is here to help the athletes of every level get back to movingagain. Dr. Trinh’s goal is to work toward injury preventionwhile providing quality care to get patients back to the sports andactivities…

Body Summer

BODY SUMMER Just like the cores of our bodies need to be strong tosupport us, we need to be strong to support our families,friends, and community. How do we do this? Throughbalancing mind, body, spirit and community. In the lastissue, we discussed the importance of spending time onour minds. In this issue, we are talking…

Fit to a T dance

FIT 2 A T DANCE Hey ya’ll! My name is T, yep, just the letter T!I’m the face behind @Fit2aTdance, a play on words-“fit to a tee”. If youhave never heard of me, well that’s because I am not a famous fitnessinstructor. In fact, I don’t spend hours at the gym. I definitely don’t haveperfect…

Bloom Into More

FOUR PILLARS Thank you for continuing to join me on this journey of (hopefully!) bringing more balance to life. As I shared in the last edition, the mission of CORE Women focuses on four pillars: Mind, Body, Spirit, and Community. OUR MIND IS THE FIRST PILLAR There are so many different directions we could go when discussing…