
Ellis County Master Gardeners are ready for the fall!

Tips for November Planting » Plant these fall vegetables now: beets, carrots, “greens” (mustard, collard, turnip), kale, lettuce, radishes and spinach. » Lawn establishment using warm-season grasses such as Bermudagrass, St. Augustine, zoysia and buffalograss should be completed early in the month. » Overseed established Bermudagrass lawns with perennial ryegrass this month, if desired. » Plant these fall-blooming annuals…


Ellis County Master Gardeners are ready for the sun!

Tips for JULY Planting » Plant tomatoes and peppers from 4-inch pots. Visit http://aggie-horticulture. for recommended varieties. » Early July is the time to plant small and medium pumpkins for a Halloween harvest. » Plant heat-tolerant annuals that have been acclimated to hot, sunny conditions. This includes moss rose, purslane, trailing lantana, purple fountain grass, firebush and copper plants.…


Ellis County Master Gardeners are ready for the sun!

Tips for MAY Planting » Plant heat-loving annuals including copper plant, firebush, gomphrena, lantana, pentas, purple fountaingrass and ornamental sweet potato in sunny areas. » In shady spots, plant caladiums, begonias, coleus, impatiens (mildew-resistant types). » Seeds of celosia, cosmos, marigold, morning glory, portulaca and zinnia can be sown directly in the beds. Keep seeded…