WHEN I THINK ABOUT SPIRIT, I THINK OF THE PART OF ME THAT NO ONE SEES…it is the space where only God and I have access. Just like with our mind and body, it is important for us to focus on our spiritual health as well. For me, it’s the most important of all the areas we have and will discuss.
THE IMPORTANCE OF CARING FOR YOUR SPIRIT In our fast-paced, crazy world, the idea of nurturing one’s spirit is becoming more of a topic people are searching for and want to better understand. In the earlier editions, we discussed caring for our bodies and minds, and now it’s time to focus on caring for our spirits, which plays a major role in achieving the balance we are on the journey to find.
YOUR SPIRIT Your spirit can be described as your “inner self,” or the core of your being, and includes your values, purpose, and inner strength. The spirit is our deeper self beyond the mind and body, influencing our reactions, decisions, and sense of peace. Unlike physical health, which can be measured by various tests, the state of our spirit is more abstract, but as important — and in my opinion, even more important!
WHY IS CARING FOR YOUR SPIRIT IMPORTANT? A well-nurtured spirit contributes significantly to emotional health, which allows us to be more prepared to manage stress, adversity, and life’s ups and downs. Some of the ways I nurture my spirit include prayer and meditation, mindfulness (fully being wherever I am), being myself, and having meaningful connections: The practice of spiritual care often includes prayer, mindfulness and self- awareness, which helps quiet the mind, reduces anxiety, and promotes a state of inner peace. Nurturing your spirit includes being authentic. When you understand and embrace who God created you to be (before the world told you who you were), you can give yourself permission to be authentically you. When you embrace who you are (quirks and all), and let your light shine, it gives others permission to do the same and opens the door to deeper, more genuine relationships.
Caring for the spirit is an important part of our overall well-being. It complements physical health and mental wellness, creating that balance we are journeying toward this year. (Is journeying even a word?!)
1.Prayer, Gratitude & Mindfulness: Regular practices like writing in a gratitude journal, prayer, and spending time in nature, disconnected from devices, can help your spirit feel peaceful and centered (and allows space to hear from God).
2.Pursuing Passions: Engage in activities that resonate with your values and interests. Whether it’s art, music, volunteering, or any other passion, investing time in what you love nurtures your spirit.
3.Building Connections: Forming deep, meaningful relationships can enrich your spirit. I personally love my “Iron Sharpens Iron” friendships.
4.Self-Compassion: Practice kindness towards yourself. This goes back to being authentic. We are all uniquely made masterpieces. Appreciate (and celebrate) your strengths, acknowledge when you fall short, and most importantly, be good to yourself. I know I tend to judge myself in ways I would never judge another person, and I am trying to do better in this area.
INVEST IN YOU Caring for your spirit is top priority for a fulfilling and balanced life. By prioritizing your spiritual well-being, you are promoting resilience, purpose, and inner peace, which will improve your overall quality of life. When I don’t give my spirit the proper amount of attention, I am less patient and kind, and not my best self (big understatement.) Life can be a lot sometimes, so investing in the care of our spirit ensures that we stay true to the person God created us to be and live in alignment with the values He put in each of us. We are more than halfway through our time together this year, and I don’t know how it’s going for you, but it has been invaluable for me to spend time focusing on each of these pillars that are foundational for us in CORE Women. So far, we have covered Mind, Body, and Spirit. In the next issue, we will discuss the importance of Community. As always, I look forward to continuing the journey with you and our quest of seeking balance in our lives.
Until Next Time… Julie
Be on the lookout for another CORE Women event later this fall. If you would like to be notified when we have events, please message me on the CORE Women Facebook Page or email me at WEARECOREWOMEN@GMAIL.COM