The Ellis County Master Gardeners gladly welcome you to our 2020 Lawn and Garden Expo in Waxahachie. You will find informative speakers, activities for children, really great plant choices for Ellis County and many ideas and sources to fill your gardening needs. Creating a successful Lawn and Garden Expo requires full participation by all of our Master Gardener members, but where are these members the rest of the year?
The Master Gardener program is found throughout the United States and was developed to help disseminate research- based horticultural information to the public. We are volunteers trained thru the land grant college in our state; for all of Texas, this is Texas A&M. ECMGA has chosen multiple ways to reach the gardening public with this information including our Lawn and Garden Expo.
“If you go to the Waxahachie Farmer’s Market you will find Master Gardeners in attendance to help you with gardening questions.”

We also have participated in the Red Oak Health Fair, Ferris Earth Day, Waxahachie Lighthouse for Learning, Midlothian Farmer’s Market, Ellis County Quilt Show and WISD STEAM day. Our members are active with the gardens at the Waxahachie Senior Center, the children’s garden at the Central Presbyterian Church and our own three teaching gardens: Ridgeview Gardens in Midlothian, Butterfly Garden along the walking trail in Waxahachie and Learning Garden in Getzendaner Park.
Not everyone visits the places I have just described, so the Ellis County Master Gardeners offer information with our E-Garden Newsletter, Facebook page and the ECMGA website. We also have published a gardening manual specific to Ellis County which is available in print or as a flash drive for purchase. Our members are available to speak on a variety of subjects to garden clubs, churches, and civic organizations on request. Our contact information is 972-825-5175 which is the Ellis County Agrilife Office or our website which is WWW.ECMGA.COM.
Please enjoy your time at Expo and meet us again for your gardening questions.

Do you want to learn more about the culture and maintenance of many types of plants?
Are you eager to participate in a practical and intense training program?
Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with people?
Do you have enough time to attend training and complete volunteer service hour requirements?
Do you have special interests that could benefit the community or an interest in developing one? (i.e. bird or butterfly knowledge, native gardens, wildflowers, etc.)
Do you have a sincere interest in nature or gardening?
Join us!