
The Joy of Mosaics at Home

WHILE MOST OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN PUT ON A HALT, CREATIVITY IS NOT CANCELLED! I am so thankful to be able to continue to share the joy of mosaics by offering projects-to-go to enjoy at home. I’ve made a “mosaic menu” of sorts, similar to how projects are chosen at our shop, where you…

Pokey O Ice Cream Sandwich

Hello, Pokey O’s

WHEN MY HUSBAND SCOTT AND I PURCHASED POKEY O’S ELLIS COUNTY IN SUMMER OF 2019, WE NEVER DREAMED HOW MUCH JOY IT WOULD BRING TO US AND EVERYONE AROUND US! Thankfully, the previous owners had already created a fabulous reputation for Pokey O’s in our community, but my husband leaving his teaching career to manage…

2020 Toyota RAV4 in Lunar Rock

Spiffing Up For Sundays

WHY CLEANING & GETTING READY INCLUDED A 2020 TOYOTA RAV4 Growing up in the Bible Belt several decades ago was a good experience for many of us. Saturdays included spending time with friends, day trips, outings, sports, and having family members around the house instead of being at work or school. It was a break…

Bluebonnets in Ennis, TX

Ennis Celebration

THINGS MAY NOT FEEL THE SAME RIGHT NOW, BUT OUR HISTORY AND FUTURE CELEBRATIONS WILL SHINE BRIGHT! Here in Ennis we know how to have a good time! As the temperature gets warmer and the grass, turns green we are gearing up for our vibrant festival season beginning with celebrations focused on wildflowers and Czech…

Ellis County is one of a kind

Ellis County is One of a Kind

DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE FARMS AROUND HERE WITH LIFE-SIZE LONGHORN YARD DÉCOR?  didn’t. And that’s not all I’ve recently discovered about Ellis County. I just successfully completed a judicial campaign to become your new Ellis County Court at Law #3 Judge. The campaign had me traveling to every corner of our -very big- county…

Rebecca Chesney Photography

Stem & Light

WHEN THE OPPORTUNITY AROSE FOR TIM AND I TO HAVE OUR OWN STUDIO/EVENT SPACE, WE JUMPED AT THE CHANCE. We had been dreaming of an opportunity like this for years. Being in the wedding industry for 5+ years as photographers allowed us to see what we thought would make an ideal space for beautiful natural…

Mercedes Benz Metris

Community Festivals are Fun. A Day’s Roadtrip is also Fun.

A wonderful vehicle like the new Mercedes-Benz Metris makes both more enjoyable. Small communities are often identified with some special, unique, or historical event. This might be a long-ago military battle or such, but more likely- than-not, communities are identified with products or crops produced over the distant past. This might include watermelons, tomatoes, peanuts,…

Your Vote Matters

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built. When we look outside we don’t see the same County that people were seeing 50 years ago. As a third-generation Ellis County resident, I  have seen the first-hand impacts of economic  development, capital improvements, and  expanding demographics over the years. My  family farm went from…

Love Your Ride

A gift that your Valentine will definitely love – An all new, compact Nissan Sentra sedan Are you always looking for a way to stand out from the crowd and be remembered? Did you lack somewhat in the Christmas gift for your special someone? An easy solution that will remedy both of these situations is…

Q&A with Cindy + Paula

We ladies live and breathe Ellis County Living Magazine and Media, it’s our baby. Together we have created a powerhouse. Our goal is to promote and expand business across Ellis County and beyond. The inspiration we see in each other is what began our idea of 2020 Women of Influence. We are beyond excited to…