Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday Travel Tips

Most people think it is only the fearless and brave who travel by plane over the holidays, while the rest of us stay home snuggled in a chair by the fire drinking pumpkin spiced lattes. Truth be told, I really don’t mind traveling during the holidays if you know how to plan it right. Whether…

A Celebration for Everyone

On Christmas Past

Growing up in northern Illinois, during my school years, I met very diversified people of varied cultures. As was common, the areas were divided into somewhat cultural sections, which I find to be true in most northern and eastern towns. On the east side of Rockford, Illinois the communities were filled with people of mostly…

Keeping the Holidays from Getting You Down

Keeping the Holidays From Getting You Down

From mid-November through the end of the year, the biggest health worry people for many people is what is going to happen to their waistline thanks to all the holiday goodies. However, there is another health concern that is often overlooked: behavioral health. And not just run-of-the-mill holiday stress. Feelings of depression and anxiety can be…